Defining our Terms

What Does It Mean to be Simple?
Jacob: Living simply is a lot like being green. Making your life easy. If you don’t buy a lot of stuff you don’t have as much stuff to recycle or throw away.

Maverick: Reduce.

Jacob and Maverick: Not fighting.

Maverick: Keep your room clean so you don’t have to clean your whole room up in one day. So you have more time for playing.

Jacob: Not watching as much TV or staring at the computer, because it makes you all stressed. And then you have more time to read and make stuff. And we wake up early so we have more time and we’re not rushing around in the morning.

What Does It Mean to be Green?
Jacob: It means you recycle, and you care about the earth. You do your best not to pollute.

Maverick: Not being wasteful.

Jacob: You want your grandchildren to still be able to live on Earth and not on one of Mars’ potato-shaped moons.

What Does It Mean to be Organic?
Maverick: Eating foods without chemicals on them. For your health.

Jacob: Being organic means you support farmers. And organic stuff usually tastes better.

Robin: We like the dictionary’s description of simple, healthful, and close to nature.

What Does It Mean to be Happy?

Jacob: Being happy means that you have a wonderful feeling of joy.

Maverick: Recycling makes me happy because I am helping save the environment.

Jacob: It means you’re OK with your life.

Maverick: You’re happy when you’re having fun. And when you’re helping someone.

Jacob: Not putting on lotion. Not having excema. Or asthma. Being healthy.

Maverick: Not being annoyed.

Robin: Not having to worry.


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