I have been faithfully following the saga of Farmgirl Susan at Farmgirl Fare for a while now. I was so taken with the Walden-esque romance of her story: at the age of 26, she sold her bakery cafe in California, packed up her life and moved to a 280-acre, 140-year-old farm in Missouri. Not only does she blog about her farming experiences, complete with beautiful photography, in a way that totally allows you to vicariously and enviously live the rural life, but she also blogs about food, in a way which makes me want her to be my best friend so maybe I can eat dinner with her every once in a while.
And she has a blog about her Kitchen Garden. She is a busy lady.
Set aside an hour or two to meander through the archives, it is the most delicious and rewarding experience.
Although not entirely representative of her body of work, I would like to first direct you to her piece chronicling the discovery of two coyotes on the farm. This post really affected me- the immediacy of her grief and her sense of failure and powerlessness; the vicious beauty of the life cycle; the awareness that this world doesn’t belong to us, that we are just a part of the incredible landscape of Nature.
I’m off to the farmer’s market! Have a good Sunday!
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