Summer Boredom Busters on the Cheap: Days Seven and Eight

Day Seven: Camp in.

We are gearing up for the Great American Backyard Campout, so the kids built themselves a tent with their Cranium Super Fort kit. The Super Fort is great, the kids spent forever redoing the configurations, making their tent ever more elaborate and/or structurally sound.

They ate lunch in it, read books in it, and slept in it (feet sticking out).

Funny how life is more exciting when you’ve closed off some space.

Day Eight: Find Your Inner Yogi.

With the kids home from school, I haven’t been getting to the gym much. I rationalize that I’m hiking and gardening, but I like a little more structure, so I pulled out my Rodney Yee yoga DVDs. The younger kids were mystified and tried to Yoga along with Rodney; frankly, I have trouble keeping up with Rodney sometimes, so everyone wound up collapsing in giggles.

We then went to the library and took out a YogaKids DVD, which worked out much better. (Back when we had Comcast On Demand, we were able to find kids’ yoga workouts there too.)

Any clever tips on keeping up an exercise regimen while the kids are home?


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