Maverick Elton, Backyard Naturalist: Ladybugs

Did you know there are different types of ladybugs?

Different kinds of ladybugs have a different number of spots on their wings when they are closed. The ladybug above is a Seven-spotted Ladybug Beetle. It is found in New Jersey and is spreading across the Northeast.

This is a Convergent Ladybug Beetle. They have 13 or more spots. This one has 19.

Convergent Ladybug Beetles are found in woods, meadows, and gardens all across the country.

Here is a picture of him dancing.

Ladybugs are good bugs because they eat aphids and other small bugs.

In England they are called Ladybird Beetles.

In Germany they are called Mary Bugs.

They are named after Mary, “Our Lady”.

I like ladybugs because they do not bite.

Boy ladybugs are also called ladybugs.

I think this is not fair. They should have a different name.

Do you think this makes them mad?


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