Proud of Himself for His "Reuse of Materials"

Sometimes, my husband gets little ideas.

This one started when he happened across new doorknobs and locks I demanded he buy (over a year ago) after our house was robbed.

His reasoning went like this:

  1. I need to take off the old doorknobs.
  2. If I’m going to do that, I may as well paint the door so I don’t have to remove the doorknobs later, when I decide to paint.
  3. If I’m going to paint the door, I may as well paint the hallway. It needs it.
  4. If I’m painting the hallway, I may as well take down the trim and paint it separately outside because it’s easier that way.
  5. Oops, this trim is all warped and damaged. I’ll cut it down and add on some new trim, no one will notice the joints where they meet once it’s painted.
  6. I don’t have as much trim as I thought. But I do have this wood over here left over from making the elaborate bedframe-with-built-in-storage that we didn’t really need.
  7. Robin was just saying she misses doing the bulletin boards at school. And talking about setting up a seasonal table in the hallway.

And that, logically enough, led to this:

You know, so I can decorate it seasonally.

What I found impressive is that he managed to paint everything with leftover bits of paint we already had, all the trim is salvaged from the kitchen we tore apart, and he did all this in the space of one weekend.

As whimsical and weird as it may seem, this is a vast improvement over the dingy hallway and horrid paint job that was here before.

And yeah, I’ll totally decorate the tree and have a ball doing it, because I am queer like that. He knows me all too well.


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