CLOSED: “Recycle for Rewards” with Kashi & Recyclebank (plus Giveaway!)


And the winner is…

Comment #35, Barbara M.
Congrats and thanks to everyone who entered!


Kashi Company, the premier natural food and lifestyle company, and Recyclebank, the company that rewards people with discounts and deals for taking everyday green actions, have developed a new way to reward people for learning about sustainability.

recycle bank logo

Recyclebank came to Delaware just after we moved into PA (of course), offering special recycling carts which are weighed each week when recycling is picked up. The weight of the recyclables in your cart is translated into Recyclebank points, which are redeemable for rewards like gift cards or discounts.

I KNOW. That’s super awesome.

Sadly, I live on the most inconvenient stretch of road imaginable for big ol’ recycling trucks, so even though my waste company does pick up recycling it never seems to pick up mine. So I suck it up and take my recycling to community bins, and get no pats on the back for all my conscientious hard work. Sniff, sniff.

What I didn’t realize is that even I can earn rewards! Recyclebank offers reward points for everyday green actions other than their (incredibly smart) physical recycling program.

For example:

From now until December 31, 2011, if you purchase any of these seven Kashi cereals:

  1. Kashi Autumn Wheat
  2. Cinnamon Harvest
  3. Island Vanilla (organic)
  4. Strawberry Fields (organic)
  5. Kashi Honey Sunshine
  6. Berry Blossoms
  7. Golden Goodness

you’ll find a “Recycle for Rewards” callout on the side panel of the box. Enter the code online as a pledge to recycle your cereal box (even if you have to drive it to the recycling center yourself like me), and you’ll earn 50 Recyclebank Points per box! These points are redeemable for rewards from local and national business partners, including coupons for Kashi products.

AND, if you watch the following video about the lifecycle of a cereal box— from original purchase at the grocery store to gaining a second life at the recycling facility (embedded below, RSS and email subscribers may have to click through, sorry)— and then answer a few questions, you’ll earn 25 bonus points.

Recycling paperboard is a big deal, and I’m not sure that most people are even aware that they should be recycling it! About 2.7 billion packages of cereal are purchased each year, and most of it can be recycled. Little steps add up to big changes, folks, and if everyone made this small change we’d be diverting an enormous quantity of paperboard from our dumps, and saving copious quantities of energy and natural resources to boot.

The video also mentions one of the points that I love to drum into people’s heads, so here it is again: it is so important to close the cycle and buy products made from recycled content (extra snaps for products with a high post-consumer content, meaning that it’s material that actually passed through a consumer’s hands into the recycling bin). Create the demand for recycled products and packaging and the companies will follow— and be sure to support early adopters like Kashi who have already taken the sustainable route.



kashi-strawberry-fieldsI’ve only tried the Strawberry Fields and the Honey Sunshine thus far, but one lucky reader gets to try all seven cereals involved in “Recycle for Rewards” (listed above). These cereals are natural, minimally processed and free of highly refined sugars, artificial additives and preservatives.

  • Just tell me what you recycle, or one way you reduce paper waste, for your chance to win a sample pack of seven Kashi cereals.
  • For a second entry, you can follow me on Twitter and leave me an additional comment letting me know you did. (If you already follow, leave me a comment saying so!)



For more info on Kashi:

For more on Recyclebank:

This giveaway will close at midnight on Wednesday, July 20th. One winner will be selected at random the next morning from all entries and contacted via the email provided on the comment form. Winner has 48 hours to reply before a new winner is drawn. US mailing addresses only, please.



108 responses to “CLOSED: “Recycle for Rewards” with Kashi & Recyclebank (plus Giveaway!)”

  1. Danielle Avatar

    We recycle just about everything that we can. We reduced paperwaste by using rags and I use cloth napkins. I also have reusable paper towels to throw in my purse for when I am out. I LOVE Whole Foods because I can recycle my #5 plastics there. Although I guess I increased my paper waste by switching to the new 7th Gen detergent that comes in paper packaging with a thin plastic bag inside. Every bit can be recycled and there is much less plastic waste. LOVE IT.

  2. Danielle Avatar

    I follow you on the Twitter. It’s good #Karma.

  3. PurpleLarkspur Avatar

    I recycle or compost pretty much everything. We have gotten our trash down to less then a small bag per week

  4. PurpleLarkspur Avatar

    I follow you on Twitter. I am @purplelarkspur

  5. Molly Avatar

    We recycle everything including baby oatmeal cereal boxes, aluminum foil, toilet paper rolls and most recently…. doggie chewed balls from Olivia’s ball pit!

  6. Marilyn Wons Avatar
    Marilyn Wons

    I recycle soda cans, newspapers and all paper that goes through our shredder.

  7. nicole Avatar

    We reduce our waste by using reusable shopping sacks.

  8. Linda Kish Avatar
    Linda Kish

    I recycle aluminum, plastic, paper, batteries, CFLs, electronics, regular light bulbs. Pretty much anything I think I can recycle. And, I donate as much as I can, too.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  9. Scott D Avatar
    Scott D

    Recycle all my soda cans and bottles at work.

    Contestscott33 [at] gmail [dot] com

  10. Shannon Baas Avatar
    Shannon Baas

    We recycle paper, plastic, and aluminum.

  11. Jaclyn Reynolds Avatar
    Jaclyn Reynolds

    We recycling water bottles and newspapers. And also store plastic bags.

  12. ky2here Avatar

    Nothing exotic. I recycle paper and cardboard at home and at work using the curbside weekly service.

    ky2here at msn dot com

  13. ky2here Avatar

    Twitter follower and fellow honey badger fan (Nasty!) ky2here1.

    ky2here at msn dot com

  14. charline Avatar

    we recycle newspaper, can and cardboard

  15. EMMA L HORTON Avatar


  16. Amber Avatar

    I recycle, paper, plastics 1-5 and try to buy products with as little non-recyclable packaging as possible!

  17. Brooke H Avatar
    Brooke H

    I recycle all of my cereal boxes 🙂

  18. Lynda E. Avatar
    Lynda E.

    We recycle aluminum cans and plastic milk jugs and I always wash and reuse my ziplocs.

  19. DeeAnn S Avatar
    DeeAnn S

    One way we reduce paper waste is to not have our newspaper delivered to the house anymore. I read it, and my magazines, on-line. Thanks.

  20. Susan Ladd Avatar
    Susan Ladd

    Hope to win 🙂

  21. Cee Avatar

    I actually cart all of my paper goods to a recycling bin available for public use at work. Then I purchase as much as I can in bulk. We tend to do bigger breakfasts and lunches–lots of cereals, fruits, and yogurt, but simple things like beans and rice for dinner.

  22. Claire Avatar

    We recycle bottles and cans, as well as things like cottage cheese containers and yogurt containers.

  23. Jessica Avatar

    We recycle about everything – cans, boxes, yogurt containers, paper. My fingers are crossed, as Kashi cereal is awesome!

  24. Suzanne K Avatar
    Suzanne K

    I recycle just about everything possible here too! We use MAYBE 1 roll of paper towels every other year (real icky messes that I don’t want to use my washable cloth rags for). I have a worm composter and a yard waste compost tile. I wish we had a Recyclebank in our area 🙁

  25. Linda Lansford Avatar
    Linda Lansford

    We recycle paper, cardboard, newspapers and cans

  26. Alison T. Avatar
    Alison T.

    I recycle plastic bottles.

    supaflychikenpi2 AT gmail DOT com

  27. Bethany Maxwell Avatar
    Bethany Maxwell

    We recycle everything recyclable – paper, cardboard, plastics, glass, aluminum, etc. Hope I win! I love Kashi!

  28. Meredith Avatar

    We recycle everything that is allowed in our area. We only wish they would recycle glass around here!

  29. Diane R. Avatar
    Diane R.

    I recycle paper, plastic, metal. Batteries and electronics get special treatment.

  30. katfam Avatar

    I try to do what I can online, so that I don’t have to print as much.

  31. katfam Avatar

    I follow on Twitter.

  32. Ashley Elaine Avatar
    Ashley Elaine

    I recycle cans and plastic bottles.

  33. Ashley Elaine Avatar
    Ashley Elaine

    follow on twitter @Ashbug622

  34. Barbara M Avatar
    Barbara M

    I recycle all cans, plastic, cardboard and newspapers.
    We have recycling bins and that makes it easier.
    Thank you.
    barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

  35. Barbara M Avatar
    Barbara M

    I follow you on Twitter @JalapenoMama

  36. Erin M. Avatar
    Erin M.

    Actually, we live in a county that requires us to recycle or else we get fined! Cardboard…paper & cans is the norm to recycle here in Southern California!

  37. Erin M. Avatar
    Erin M.

    Following @robinelton via Twitter (@erinxduh)

  38. Christine Avatar

    recycle everything and reuse everything else

  39. valerie Avatar

    we recycle glass, plastic, and metal at the house. my neighborhood doesn’t pick up cardboard or newspaper so I hold onto it and bring it the local university where there are recycling facilities for it 🙂

  40. Jill Myrick Avatar
    Jill Myrick

    We try to recycle everything possible that we can.
    We try to reduce our paper waste by using cloth shopping bags, cloth lunch bags, real plates instead of paper and dish towels instead of paper towels just to name a few.


  41. Jill Myrick Avatar
    Jill Myrick

    I am following via Twitter as jlsc123.


  42. Tari Lawson Avatar
    Tari Lawson

    I recycle everything I can from paper, to plastic and glass. I also give unwanted items away instead of throwing them in the trash.

  43. eva Avatar

    I print double side and I recycle glass, plastic, and aluminium.

  44. eva Avatar
    followed at ekieu

  45. Kendra Avatar

    recycle or compost
    even metals are taken to a center

  46. Ivan H. Avatar
    Ivan H.

    I recycle all plastics. I also compost. To reduce paper, I use paper until both sides are used whether for printing or scratchpaper. Then it can be used for paper airplane races with kids (as long as it’s not confidential info. because kids love to read and learn, even from paper airplanes!).

  47. bets Avatar

    We recycle everything we can especially cereal boxes. In our community we don’t have glass recycling so we save it any way and when we are going to a town 30 miles away that does have glass recycling we take it with us.

  48. Caryn S Avatar
    Caryn S

    We recycle everything we can, newspaper, glass jars, junk mail, etc. I’ve even started harping on my neighbor when she goes to throw paper in the trash, “You can recycle that!” LOL.

  49. Kristy Pleasant Avatar
    Kristy Pleasant

    i recycle to try and do my part for the environment. any time i can i reuse or recycle an item to make an impact. it also cuts down on trash we take out weekly. 🙂

  50. Peggy Avatar

    We recycle cans, bottles, newspaper, cereal boxes, pizza boxes, cardboard….if it’s cardboard or paper I recycle it!

  51. Peggy Avatar

    following on twitter (@sweetheart4171)


  52. Derk Thomas Avatar
    Derk Thomas

    Paper and cans/jars

  53. Angela Winesburg Avatar
    Angela Winesburg

    I recycle cans, bottles and cardboard, thanks!

  54. Angela Winesburg Avatar
    Angela Winesburg

    Following you via Twitter (@Hotsnotty2), Thanks!

  55. Tonya Dean Avatar
    Tonya Dean

    We recycle cans. We even go and pick up cans people have thrown in ditches.


  56. Cindy M Avatar
    Cindy M

    We reduce waste with our awesome compost bin- shredded paper, veggie scraps and grass clippings make great fertilizer!

  57. Cindy M Avatar
    Cindy M

    I am following you on Twitter! My Twitter name is foodhistorian.

  58. amy deeter Avatar
    amy deeter

    it helps to save on garbage

  59. tallcapp Avatar

    I recycle all paper and plastic products and I rarely throw useable items in the trash. If they are in good shape I donate them. I turn in all electricals (bulbs, batteries, etc at a monthly roundup in town.)

  60. shawna Avatar

    We recycle plastic, cardboard, aluminum, and glass

  61. LaurenS Avatar

    We reduce paper waste by using cloth diapers, cloth napkins, cloth breast pads, cloth menstrual pads, cloth rags.

  62. Melanie C Avatar
    Melanie C

    We recycle just about everything that we can. From Pop cans to toilet paper rolls.

  63. Melanie C Avatar
    Melanie C

    @mcalcut follows you on twitter.

  64. Joy F Avatar
    Joy F

    We recycle all paper and plastic. Also, soda cans.

  65. Lisa G. Avatar
    Lisa G.

    We recycle our plastics, paper and glass products as well as safe aluminum cans and sell to our local metal recycler.
    lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

  66. Lisa G. Avatar
    Lisa G.

    I’m following you on Twitter @lisalmg.
    lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

  67. Kelly L Avatar
    Kelly L

    We recycle everything we can – paper, plastics, glass, aluminum. Every week we have three recycle bins filled at the curb. Thanks!

  68. Jana Avatar

    We live in Oregon, where recycling is easy and effortless because it’s commingled! If it’s recyclable, in it goes. The only thing we have to sort is the glass. Our recycle bin is larger than our trash bin. With family on the East coast who never recycle, I hope to see more communities offering this easier way.

  69. ferriz Avatar

    we recycle cans and bottles around here. we drink a LOT of soda so we do a lot of recycling.


  70. ferriz Avatar

    twitter follower @xferriza2


  71. The Knapps Avatar
    The Knapps

    We recycle whatever we can…newspaper, boxes from food, junk mail, cans, jars, glass…whatever our recycle people will take 🙂

  72. Emma Peel Avatar
    Emma Peel

    We re-use and recycle plastic containers from bottled water and milk jugs using them as mini pails, just cut the tops off, we recycle cans and bottles and often plastic that comes from packaging or frozen dinner trays as we buy a lot of frozen foods


  73. Emma Peel Avatar
    Emma Peel

    I’m Following you on Twitter – id-Emma__Peel

  74. Justine Avatar

    I recycle just about anything I can, I don’t even leave my cans somewhere that won’t recycle them, I bring them home lol! Seriously, some people in my neighborhood think I’m a ‘hippie’ but I just try to take care of the Earth, she deserves it! I also recycle glass, paper, plastic, anything 😀

  75. Justine Avatar

    I am now following you via twitter


  76. Nancy Avatar

    We recycle just about everything: newspapers, cardboard, plastic, glass, aluminum, etc!

  77. deana c Avatar
    deana c

    I recycle all paper, plastic and metal objects in our house.

  78. kathy pease Avatar
    kathy pease

    we recycle aluminum cans,glass,plastic,ardboard and way i reduce paper towel use is to use old newspapers when i wash windows


  79. Fran {The Flavorful Fork} Avatar

    I recycle as much as possible – paper products, cans, glass, and plastic. So happy to see Kashi participating in Recyclebank’s efforts. Our family LOVES Kashi cereal. Our favorite is Heart to Heart.

  80. dddiva Avatar

    We recycle everything we can- cans, paper products, plastics, clothing, books etc

  81. dddiva Avatar

    Follow you on twitter @dddiva

  82. Nick Hilleshiem Avatar
    Nick Hilleshiem

    I recycle everything. paper, plastic, glass, everything I can!!!

  83. jamie Avatar

    i keep a large bin at work to put all used paper in….that also gets my coworkers involved!

  84. jamie Avatar

    twitter follower jamiexink

  85. Rachel Avatar

    we recycle everything we can

  86. Vicki D. Avatar
    Vicki D.

    I recycle paper, plastic, cans, cardboard, and glass. When I’m emptying the small trash cans into the large one to take out, I even take papers out of them to recycle.

  87. Gale Avatar

    I REUSE cereal boxes by making them into photo mailers! Photo mailers are expensive anyways, so it saves me money while reducing waste.

    I recycle the boxes I don’t use the traditional way, as well as plastic bottles and metal cans. I do use plastic shopping bags but return them to the store to be recycled.

  88. Susan Smith Avatar
    Susan Smith

    We sort our trash and recycle our papers, glass and plastics

  89. Susan Smith Avatar
    Susan Smith

    follow via twitter susan1215

  90. tina page Avatar
    tina page

    We recycle everything we can including cardboard, cans, plastic and glass. Often we reuse paper though since we have taken to making paper lately out of it. Recycling is made very difficult in this small rural area I’ve moved to. There is no curbside recycling so few people do it since you have to drive in the snow most of the year to get to the recycling plant! But I have been trying to get recycling done at different places i frequent and often offer to take others recycling just so they will get it done!

  91. tina page Avatar
    tina page

    new twitter follower(@trixie420247)

  92. kittycardero Avatar

    I recycle paper, cardboard and plastic.

  93. kittycardero Avatar

    Follow on twitter @kittycardero

  94. Ed Nemmers Avatar
    Ed Nemmers

    We recycle glass, plastic and newspaper!

  95. Terri P Avatar

    We recycle paper and cardboard! We donate it to the Boy Scouts of the USA!

    outofthemist AT gmail DOT com

  96. Terri P Avatar

    I follow @robinelton on Twitter @GeorgiaMist

    outofthemist AT gmail DOT com

  97. wcc Avatar

    We recycle everything that we can. Any leftover foods we use for the compost heap in the garden. Thanks for the chance! 🙂

  98. wcc Avatar

    I follow you on twitter (@whitechocolatec).

  99. susan smoaks Avatar
    susan smoaks

    i recycle cans and other aluminum

  100. Nikki Davis Avatar

    I recycle everything….from paper, plastic, glass, ink cartridges, old cell phones, etc.. It is so easy to do these days, there is no reason everyone can not do the same.

    Thank you for the entry,

  101. Nikki Davis Avatar

    twitter follower as NikkiDavis05

  102. Breanne Avatar

    I recycle what the recycling trailer takes! I live in military housing and am most likely not allowed to have a compost bin or anything like that.

  103. Breanne Avatar

    I follow you on Twitter @RazzMyBerry.

  104. Sand Avatar

    We have curbside recycling so we recycle everything our city accepts.

  105. Emily N Avatar
    Emily N

    I recycle paper, cans, etc.

  106. spirit_kim Avatar

    I just signed up for our cities new recycle program so I will be recycling everything I can in September.

  107. momznite Avatar

    We recycle the usual paper, plastic, glass, mental…. We also try to find new homes for objects we are no longer needing/enjoying.

  108. Gianna Avatar

    I recycle aluminum and steel.

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