Wordless Wednesday: Hiking in Boulder Colorado

hiking in boulder

hiking in boulder

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.

Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.

The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy,

while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.

-John Muir

on the trail

sunday hike

This trail was closed because ripened berries beckon to bears.


mountain landscape colorado


Seriously. How soon can I go back?



5 responses to “Wordless Wednesday: Hiking in Boulder Colorado”

  1. Molly Avatar

    Lovely! Family Summer Vacation perhaps?

  2. Ashley @ Mama of All Trades Avatar

    So gorgeous! Yeah, all they’d have to do is say “bear” and I’d stay clear of that path! Yikes!!

  3. michelle Avatar

    I have never hiked in Colorado and it looks amazing! I have a good friend in Boulder and have rescheduled my trip 3 xs, maybe I should GET ON IT!! The scenery is breathtaking!

  4. Kerri Avatar

    So beautiful and tranquil! I wish everyday was more like that!

  5. Deena Avatar

    You can look at any picture, but until you actually see it, it is so breath taking. Good thought and will for sure share your site. Thanks for the thought.

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