Review & Giveaway (3 Copies): Working Out Sucks!

working out sucks

Harry Stone (LOC)

Technology gives us the illusion of accomplishing more
by allowing us to physically accomplish virtually nothing.

-Chuck Runyon, Working Out Sucks!


Boy howdy, ain’t that the truth.

Chuck Runyon is the co-founder and CEO of Anytime Fitness, that 24-hour gym that probably recently opened up not too far from you. Before that, he was a salesman and a marketer generating new memberships to fitness clubs. And therefore, he’s pretty much an expert in the excuses we give to not sign up for that gym membership, even though we have that nagging thought that we could probably stand to move more, exercise more, weigh less, be healthier.

He also has a personal story that moved me to tears as I read it, sitting on my bum, waiting for Cass to be done basketball practice.

I’ve read a number of motivational books, some of which deal with health and weight loss (a personal favorite being Peter Walsh’s Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat?) and the Honey Badger Mom in me loved this one. Because Chuck Runyon lists every excuse in the book and then relentlessly destroys each one.

No time? That’s odd, because most people will list their health as a top priority (#2, after family). The average person would work out 90-120 minutes a week. That’s 1% of your weekly time. Our willingness to work for our priorities is seriously effed up.

Ever say you didn’t care if you were carrying a boy or a girl, “as long it’s healthy?” Runyon makes the astute but cutting observation that after that baby is born, all too often it’s raised on a not-at-all-healthy diet full of toxins, sugar and processed foods.

The average American spends more money in one month of automobile expenses than he or she does one year of personal fitness-related expenses.

Yeah. Unless you’re a first-timer here, you already know how I feel about that. (It’s not good.)

And so on and so forth. I can guarantee that any reader will find a chapter (or several) that really resonates and puts you on notice. And you know why?

Because health… ultimately… is essential to life. We all die anyway, but being unhealthy makes it much more likely to happen sooner. And our quality of life suffers. And we know this, and we make excuses to ourselves. We feel guilty about it on some level, but neglect to act, so subconsciously it becomes an open sore.

Which is despicable when you really think about it, and when Runyon hits on your excuse, it feels raw.

I like facts and statistics. A lot. But let’s face it: we hear them every day and we’ve become very good at blocking them out. That feeling of raw is when you start to doubt your own excuses, when you rip off the bandaid of rationalization and realize you are working against yourself and your own best interests.

That’s when the seeds for change are planted.

At this point the book transitions and psychologist Rebecca Derossett takes over. Psychology fascinates me, so I ate this section of the book up; for those slightly less dorky than me, all the matters of the brain are illustrated by real and inspiring stories of people who have made profound changes for a better life. Goal-setting is covered, and visualization, and overcoming negative thinking, and the movement to brain connection, and the inability to start thanks to the curse of perfectionism. Action plans are laid out, step by step. No excuses.

So now you’ve faced your excuses and have been given a roadmap to overcoming your emotional and intellectual obstacles; what next? Dietician Brian Zehetner patiently separates food facts from fiction, setting you up with a nutritional game plan: because health is just as much achieved in the kitchen as it is in the gym. (This is the one area I had an issue with. Surprise surprise, allow me to remind you of my Food Police status. The argument is set forth that HFCS isn’t really any worse than sugar, and Zehetner has “no problem recommending” artificial sweeteners. I take issue with both statements, standing firmly in the camp of the less processed, the better; but since the end result is the advice to limit all 3 as much as possible I’m not going to raise a stink about it.)

The book concludes with info about working out– cardio, strength training– and lays out a 21 day food and fitness regime for the list-oriented and “I don’t know where to start” crowd. Talk about no excuses: it’s all there. Just do it.

Hey. Just read it.

working out sucksI’ve got three copies of Working Out Sucks! (And Why It Doesn’t Have To): The Only 21-Day Kick-Start Plan for Total Health and Fitness You’ll Ever Need to give away.

To enter to win:

I need you to comment on this post and hit me with an excuse you’ve given in the past for not working out.

You can have a second entry:

by tweeting I want to win #WorkingOutSucks and beat my excuses- and make @robinelton proud. You’ll need to leave me a second comment letting me know you did that because I forget stuff.

Working out sucks, sure. Secretly blaming yourself because you know you could be better? Sucks more.

Do yourself proud. Make your kids proud, your mom proud. Make me proud. I like feeling proud of people.

I’ll pick 3 winners at random at noon EST on Tuesday January 24th. But if you don’t win, think about picking up a copy anyway. 100% of net proceeds benefit Limbs for Life, a nonprofit which provides fully functional prosthetic care to those otherwise unable to afford it.

Disclosure: I’m Community Manager for FitFluential LLC (come tweet with me). Anytime Fitness is a client of FitFluential. The book I reviewed and the copies I am giving to readers were provided by the client. All thoughts and opinions in the post are my own.


Awesome photo courtesy of the Library of Congress through Creative Commons. “Hop” Harry Stone, “the American Newsboy Champion Lightweight,”  the second fighter in boxing history to have over 200 recorded fights without ever suffering a K0 or TK0 loss.


100 responses to “Review & Giveaway (3 Copies): Working Out Sucks!”

  1. Samantha Avatar

    I have been hearing a lot about that book, would love a copy! 🙂 My greatest excuse has actually been being tired, or not feeling well, and its a tough excuse to overcome in the moment. Especially feeling run down!

  2. Samantha Avatar

    Also, I tweeted I want to win #WorkingOutSucks and beat my excuses- and make @robinelton proud. I am @smccollo

  3. Cara Avatar

    Well, I must admit I’m pretty good at NOT making excuses to work out, but I’d love to read this because it sounds like I could get a good laugh. And then pass it on to someone who really needs it 🙂

  4. Kaseysp Avatar

    What excuse haven’t I used? Yesterday I told myself I’d do it “later”

  5. kim grant Avatar
    kim grant

    One of my previous excuses is that I don’t want to feel uncomfortable with everyone at the gym looking at me.

  6. kim grant Avatar
    kim grant

    I tweeted the statement for a second entry via @kimdgrant. 🙂

  7. Jessica Richardson Avatar
    Jessica Richardson

    My greatest excuse that I have used for quite a while is I am too busy. Unfortunately I can make time for the internet but not for working out.

  8. Kristen Avatar

    My latest excuse is feeling tired after work. I don’t like going back out once I’ve already come home, so I’ll only go to the gym on my way home from work, but then I have to drive out of my way. Fatigue usually wins out.

  9. Darryl Brown Avatar
    Darryl Brown

    I used every excuse known including my favorite ‘I’m to overweight to go to the gym, I’ll lose some weight at home and than go!’. Of course i wouldn’t lose the weight at home. LOL……. Doesn’t make much sense does it!!!!

  10. Kathleen B Avatar
    Kathleen B

    For me its just been that I would rather be doing so many other things!

  11. Bette Kratoska Avatar
    Bette Kratoska

    My biggest excuse has been that it’s too far to get to a gym and I can’t afford it.

  12. eric Avatar

    I have used “i overslept” even though I was awake and just didnt get out of bed…

  13. Rachee Avatar

    Where to start:
    It’s too cold.
    I’m too tired.
    I;m too fat.
    It’s too hot
    It’s too early
    It’s too late.

  14. Fran (The Flavorful Fork) Avatar
    Fran (The Flavorful Fork)

    Sounds like a very interesting read. I’ve probably used all the excuses in the book. Oddly, once I do get myself to exercise I feel good about having done it yet I still struggle with making time in my day to work out.

  15. Rachel Ferrucci Avatar

    It’s NOT an excuse- it really is too cold to start walking and I’m too lazy to get going in my house, I wind up on FB in this group that sucks me in!!!

  16. Renee G Avatar
    Renee G

    I’ve heard a lot about this book, and would love to have a copy.

    1. Renee G Avatar
      Renee G

      Oops – I forgot to say that my excuse is that I’m working too many hours at work.

  17. Carmen C. Avatar
    Carmen C.

    My excuse is that I’m too tired!


  18. Carmen C. Avatar
    Carmen C.

    I tweeted!!/p00kerss/status/160949630786473984


  19. Patrick Power Avatar
    Patrick Power

    My excuse is that I had a heart attack in 2000, and exercising before I loose weight could negatively impact my heart. It is a vicious circle. I could have another heart attack due to weight.

  20. Patrick Power Avatar
    Patrick Power

    I also sent the tweet. 🙂

  21. Susan Smith Avatar
    Susan Smith

    My excuse is that I would rather be doing other things.

  22. angie Avatar

    My excuse was that I didn’t have enough time.

  23. Marci Avatar

    I’m always doing something for someone else, spending time with my family etc.

  24. Diane Baum Avatar
    Diane Baum

    I’m full of excuses…It’s too cold, I’ll start next week, I”ll start tomorrow, my back hurts, the dog ate my gym suit!

  25. Barb Haley Avatar
    Barb Haley

    I hate to exercise in front of other people and I never have alone time! Good excuse huh?

  26. Kristi Hayes Avatar
    Kristi Hayes

    I have no excuse. I’m just too lazy these days.

  27. Terri Martin Avatar
    Terri Martin

    I am too tired. It is too late. It is too early. I have more important things to do.

  28. Meaghan Cool Avatar
    Meaghan Cool

    I think my husband and I would have to read this! We used to run races together…now we veg in front of the t.v. 🙁

  29. Sara Wood Avatar
    Sara Wood

    A reason I use most often for not working out is ” I don’t have enough time.”

  30. Christine Avatar

    my back hurts

  31. luis Avatar

    i love to read… now i will be able to use this be to inspire me to lose weight!

  32. hj Avatar

    I’m less stressed when I don’t try.

  33. Jessica G Avatar
    Jessica G

    My excuse is that i’m studying for a certification and don’t have time!

  34. S Carter Avatar
    S Carter

    My excuse is normally that I work and go to school and am too tired!

  35. charline Avatar

    My excuse is I chase after the kids all day. I am too tired.

  36. KAILAN SMITH Avatar

    My excuses I use on a regular basis…
    I have to much housework to do
    Its to cold for the kids outside
    Its to hot for the kids
    Im trying to take care of the kids I dont have time
    Im to sore
    Im to tired
    I dont feel well
    Im too stressed
    No one will do it with me
    and the best one….
    Im just not motivated to do that right now

  37. Angela Cisco Avatar
    Angela Cisco

    My excuse is a catch 22. I’ll take a break because my Knees will start hurting. Then I’ll keep putting it off. If I just would keep to my plan my knees would become stronger and wouldn’t hurt as bad.

  38. Molly K Avatar
    Molly K

    My excuse was always that I didn’t have time. With my job, family and other activies I just never made the time to go.

  39. Valerie Taylor Mabrey Avatar
    Valerie Taylor Mabrey

    Just can not find the time
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  40. Fantastic Jack Avatar
    Fantastic Jack

    let’s win, already!

  41. Ed Nemmers Avatar
    Ed Nemmers

    My workout shorts are in the wash!

  42. jacqueline v Avatar
    jacqueline v

    the best is probably “you can work out for me” that ive told my hubby hahaha

  43. Addrianne Avatar

    It’s almost always, I’m too tired or not enough time! Thank you for the contest!

  44. Kathy S Avatar
    Kathy S

    I don’t have time to workout.

  45. Jamilia Avatar

    This looks like a wonderful book! I am really trying to lost a few pounds and boy isn’t it tough!

    One time I used the excuse that I am too out of shape to get into shape (workout). LOL!

    Thank you for considering me!

  46. Jamilia Avatar

    jamilia (at) hawaii (dot) edu

    That is my email address I see everyone else including theirs.

    Thank you!

  47. Jennifer Paige Avatar
    Jennifer Paige

    An excuse I’ve given is “it’s not monday, I must start on monday” I’ve probably used every excuse in the book. I’d love to read this.

  48. Sandie Curnow Avatar
    Sandie Curnow

    My excuse is that my arthritis is acting up…….hahaha

  49. Joy F Avatar
    Joy F

    No energy.

  50. James Coyne Avatar
    James Coyne

    I’ve used, i don’t want to sit in the gym by myself and exercise because it’s depressing.

    I’ve also used, by the time i get off work and go to the gym, i will end up eating at 9 pm.

  51. Sand Avatar

    My excuse is”I’ll do it later.”

  52. Karen Avatar

    My excuse is that I don’t have a car to drive to the gym. Thanks for the giveaway.

  53. dddiva Avatar

    Exhaustion & business.

  54. Natalie Avatar

    I’m too busy, is what I always say,
    This book looks good thank you!

  55. kathy pease Avatar
    kathy pease

    my excuse is there is too much stuff on my treadmill and my ankle has been sore

  56. Barbara Blanton Avatar
    Barbara Blanton

    My only excuse is I work full-time outside of the home and then take care of my kids and just too tired most of the time 🙁

  57. latanya Avatar

    My excuse is I do not have enough time in the day or I will start tomorrow (but I never do)

  58. Beckee Avatar

    No time or energy.

  59. melissa portillo Avatar
    melissa portillo


  60. Karen Gonyea Avatar
    Karen Gonyea

    I ate too much and am too full to work out !!

  61. Jessica Dawson Avatar
    Jessica Dawson

    I would love to add this to my list to read for 2012. My biggest excuse is that I don’t have time with two little ones to take care o.

  62. Lynde F Avatar
    Lynde F

    I don’t want to be seen in public working out when I am so fluffy-

  63. phxbne Avatar

    I need to spend more time at home…..

  64. Diana Bradford Hatch Avatar
    Diana Bradford Hatch

    No time to hit the gym

  65. Jennifer J Avatar
    Jennifer J

    The weather is bad. Thanks!!

  66. Mary Jacobowitz Avatar
    Mary Jacobowitz

    I’m too tired

  67. Charlene Kuser Avatar
    Charlene Kuser

    One of my many excuses,I need to run some errands.

  68. heather c Avatar
    heather c

    Sun flares.

  69. susan varney Avatar
    susan varney

    i’m just to tired to workout when i’m really not

  70. Jason Nickolay Avatar
    Jason Nickolay

    I use the excuse “Its To Cold Out” all the time when I am planning to go swimming laps at the lake


  71. deanna Avatar

    I feel too fat for my workout clothes…

  72. Claire Avatar

    “I think I’m getting sick with a cold. i can’t.”


  73. tml Avatar

    Sheer laziness

  74. Sabine Blanch Avatar
    Sabine Blanch

    Sounds like a great book, I could surely use it…!
    My favorite excuse… “Today I will relax, and tomorrow I will get started” (just doesn’t work if there is always another tomorrow)

  75. Missy Avatar

    I’m a new mom…loosing the weight but not toned anymore. I like to work out once I have a regimen but that takes at least a month of hard work to get instilled in me and I REALLY don’t want to do that. I’m just tired of the same routine and wish there was some other little help to getting fit. Hope I get chose to win a book! 😉 Interested in seeing what it may say.

  76. shala_darkstone Avatar

    My latest excuse was that I was waiting for the New Year to start before working out.

  77. Melanie Dauterive Avatar
    Melanie Dauterive

    I don’t want people to see me workout…Ill wait until the gym is completely empty/

  78. James Steen Avatar
    James Steen

    Being fat is easy!

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