Share the #GrootDancebomb Challenge, the Disney Conservation Fund Plants a Tree

family dancing

family dancing

We should consider every day lost
on which we have not danced at least once.

―Friedrich Nietzsche

Hey, before I get to the meat of this post, I just wanted to note that it’s really hard to find good photos of people dancing. Super staged ballet photos, or stylized breakdancing photos, or bride-and-groom-first-dance photos, sure. But photos of people just dancing for the sheer joy of the thing, limbs akimbo, looking silly and happy and carefree? Much more difficult to come by.

I get that the motion is difficult to capture and that people generally don’t like to put photos that aren’t 100% flattering out there, but that’s sort of my point. When you’re dancing, really dancing, you’re letting go if only for a moment of those concerns about how you look. It’s just about the music, and the movement, and the fun, and the joy, and the exhilaration. Why aren’t we making sure we experience that every day?

Let’s start, you and I. Put it on your calendar. DANCE PARTY. And you guys—if you have kids or really any loved ones—DANCING PHOTOS. They will treasure those moments of you being you, joyful, uninhibited, carefree.

Moving on.

As you may or may not know, once upon a time not so very long ago Marvel released a movie called Guardians Of The Galaxy. In this movie was a tree-like creature named Groot. People like Groot. Groot is cute. Groot likes to dance. Groot knows where it’s at.

Vol. 2 of Guardians of the Galaxy is hitting theaters on May 5th, and from now until then, Marvel wants you to celebrate dancing and have a little fun. When you do, you help plant up to a quarter of a million trees.

Let me explain that.

Dominic “D-trix” Sandoval created a video for Marvel where he photobombs people by doing a Groot inspired dance move in the background. The video is pretty cute.


Through May 5th, if you:

  • like or share the video on YouTube or Facebook,
  • use a dancing Groot toy to surprise someone, or post your own Groot dance moves using #GrootDancebomb on Instagram or Twitter,

Marvel and the Disney Conservation Fund will direct a $1 donation to The Nature Conservancy to plant 1 tree for each action. Their pledged minimum donation is $50,000 and they will donate up to a maximum of $250,000.

That means up to a quarter million trees. 

So, go ahead and check out the video, take a gander at the hashtag (I’m sure it will be entertaining), like or share the video to spread a few smiles.

And even if you don’t wind up posting it, I hope you take some photos or video of you, dancing your little heart out. 



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