Author: Robin Strong Elton

  • Oxymoronica by Dr. Mardy Grothe

    Oxymoronica: Paradoxical Wit & Wisdom From History’s Greatest Wordsmiths, is quite possibly the most fun in book form that I’ve had all year.
    Oxymoronica is a term created by the author, combining:

    Erotica. Literature or art that is intended to arouse sexual desire.
    Exotica. Things that are curiously unusual or excitingly strange.

    with the word oxymoron:

    In ancient Greek oxus means “sharp or pointed” and moros means “dull, stupid, or foolish.” So oxymoron is itself an oxymoron, literally meaning ” a sharp dullness” or “pointed foolishness.”….The best examples of oxymoronica don’t contain a simple contradiction in terms; they contain what might be described as a contradiction of ideas.

    I’m sorry, but if you did not find that passage extremely sexy, perhaps this is not the blog for you. To me, the proclaimed uber-booknerd, lover of the clever turn of phrase, this book borders on word porn. (I so hope that last sentence does not provoke all sorts of vulgar Google ads. Please tell me if it did.)

    Like my beloved Thoreau, Dr. Grothe has written a book to be savored in small bites, so I’m just offered up an appetizer tray of quotes this morning. Bon appetit!

    Architecture is frozen music.

    Tragedy is if I cut my finger.
    Comedy is if I walk into an open sewer and die.

    -Mel Brooks

    We think about sex obsessively except during the act,
    when our minds tend to wander
    -Howard Nemerov

    Criticism is always a kind of compliment.
    -John Maddox

    Loneliness is now so widespread it has become, paradoxically, a shared experience.
    -Alvin Toffler

    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished.
    That will be the beginning.
    -Louis L’Amour

  • My Gift to You

    It is possible to give away and become richer.
    Proverbs 11:24

    You may have noticed on my sidebar, a little box that invites you to join me in the 29 Day Giving Challenge. This is a movement started by Cami Walker that challenges people to give away one thing for, you guessed it, 29 days.

    Why? Because to see the world change, we have to do something to change the world. Plus, the best way to attract abundance into your life is to be in a perpetual state of giving and gratitude. Be an important part of the global giving movement that inspires more generosity on our planet.

    The gift can be a tangible item, it can be monetary, or it can be a giving of yourself- your time, your energy, your knowledge, your kindness.

    I came across Cami’s network via Unclutterer and it fit nicely with the philosophy I’ve adopted lately, about moving out the old bits of my life that don’t fit anymore, to make room for new, more positive energy. I know that seems New Age-y, but I can’t argue with success; I feel freer, happier.

    What I love about this challenge is that it forces you, every day, to take time out and look for ways that you personally can help someone else. This shift in focus has a profound impact on how you approach the world.

    Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays.
    -Soren Kierkegaard

    Consider the ripple effect this has the potential for! Both the action of giving, and the reaching out to others to participate, to allow for that shift in thinking.

    Please join me! You can click here to sign up or you can access my page and join that way.

    It can be your gift to me, today.

    I am looking at it as my gift to you. That’s how powerful it is.

    Make a rule, and pray God to help you keep it, never, if possible, to lie down at night without being able to say, “I have made one human being, at least, a little wiser, a little happier, or a little better this day.”

    -Charles Kingsley

    Make this world better!
    You have so much to give.
    Think big! Think small! Start today!

    A little serendipity:
    Molly just emailed me about this family, which is “chasing Utopia” by giving away all their possessions (Thanks Molly!).

  • Hope You Don’t Mind Bugs

    Sometimes, I will take a picture, and upon uploading to the computer, I will discover a hidden treasure. Do you see my buggy friend?

    At other times I will be trying to capture something and a bug will swoop into the frame, demanding a little attention.

    And sometimes, the bug will land right in front of me and preen.

    Arrogant show-offs, bugs. Always mugging for the camera.

    Most children have a bug period,
    and I never grew out of mine.”

    -Edward O. Wilson