Category: Green Pet

  • Outdoor Gear for Dog Adventures: Alcott Adventures

    Outdoor Gear for Dog Adventures: Alcott Adventures

    hiking with dogs

    Sometimes love just wants to go out for a nice long walk.
    Because love loves exercise. It will run you around the block
    and leave you panting, breathless. 

    Taylor Mali,
    from ‘Falling in Love is Like Owning a Dog’ 


    I can’t imagine how I would spend my days without my dogs.

    Well, obviously I can imagine, but my life would just be missing something without a dramatic morning hug and face licking (she’s up! she’s up!), without a pup keeping my feet warm all day, without two four-legged friends greeting me every time I walk in the door regardless of how long I’ve been gone as if they’d been waiting all their lives for just this moment, without a furry beasty sitting by my side as I type into the night, pressed up as tightly against me as I will allow.

    Naturally we try to make our animals’ lives richer, as they have for us. That means toys and bones; tasty, good-for-them food and treats; sweaters and beds; and lots and lots of cuddle time.

    spoiled dogs


    It also means letting them leave their everyday environs and join in the activities we love. Like hiking and hitting the beach.

    So many new things to smell! So many exotic places to pee!

    Active dogs are healthy dogs. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, an estimated 55.6% of pups in the US are overweight or obese. Jimmy is looking kind of jumbo-sized these days, so we’re looking to get him moving more.

    Getting outside has benefits for everyone, even our four-legged companions: keeping their weight in check prevents a host of health problems like heart and joint issues, not only ensuring they’ll keep us company longer but stay more comfortable during their time with us. And the more fun outdoor time is for everyone, the more you (and your tech-addicted kids) will keep doing it.


    hiking with dogs


    You know what’s fun? Outdoor gear just for dogs.

    I recently was sent a gift card to try out and review Alcott Adventures, which “features an array of dog products, offering pups + their people an adventurous lifestyle, whether on a walk around the block or a trip around the globe.”

    I love that their focus is not so much on pampering your dogs, but supporting adventures that you can take with them: you can actually search the online site either by category or by adventure (Essentials, Explorer, Traveler, Mariner). They carry the expected high-quality collars and leashes, toys and beds, but specifically ideal for travel— slimmer, more comfortable and lightweight.

    They also have all of these items which just beg for epic outdoor fun for the four-legged. Maybe this summer I’ll brave camping and boating with the kids and dogs? Or is spending a lot of time in the backyard and on park trails enough to justify a pup tent and UV goggles? Perhaps 🙂

    Alcott Adventures wishlist


    With the gift card I opted for the Cooling Bandana (1) and Visibility Bandana (2) for Karma, our Saint Bernard. The Cooling Bandana has water-absorbing beads inside it, so it can be soaked and put on her to help keep her cool on hikes or just in the heat of summer. The Visibility Bandana makes me feel a little secure about her being outside alone since we border on state park land where deer hunting is allowed; I can’t help but think her size and white tail mean that mistaking her for a deer isn’t completely out of the question. Normal people would probably think about visibility to other hikers or to cars while out on a walk, particularly at dawn and dusk.

    Jimmy aka “The Dogness” received an upgrade to his bulky harness, which has never fit well and seems like it’s hot to wear when the temperature rises. The Adventure Harness (3) clips around the neck like a collar and then has two clips around the waist, so I don’t have to make him step through to put it on, and a lightweight chest pad. In addition to the standard harness ring placement further back, this one has a ring at the collar to attach a leash to (Jimmy seems to like this better).


    Alcott Adventures


    I’m always worrying over what size to buy for our dogs; I literally spent hours agonizing over Christmas sweaters and collars. Karma is tall and slim for her breed (Jeff calls her a racing Saint Bernard) and Jimmy just the opposite, long but short and stocky, a beagle mixed with something much more barrel-chested.

    The harness adjusted perfectly. Alcott reinvented dog sizing to make it easy on their humans; generally speaking, if you buy a medium collar, you’ll also use a medium in all the other Alcott products.

    Which is why I went for a medium in the other purchase I made through Alcott with my own money. Karma got two things, so I had to get Jimmy two— gotta keep it even steven with our babies, amiright?

    dog bomber jacket


    Look how super handsome and Red Baronesque he is in his Bomber Jacket. He’s the Top Gun of beagle mixes.

    You can search for a store that carries Alcott Adventures using this store locator, but if like me your nearest location is at least an hour away, you’ll find the online store a treat to browse. Shipping was fast and well-packaged.



    Alcott Adventures is offering one of my readers a $25 gift card to help kickstart your next adventure, whether it’s a swim in the lake or a run around the block. Just visit and leave me a comment with what product you would like for your canine companion!

    For an optional second entry, send out a tweet about your adventures with your dog, tagging @FunWithAlcott and the hashtag #DogsLoveAdventure. Make sure to leave a 2nd comment with your Twitter @name letting me know you did.

    This giveaway will end at 11:59pm on Sunday, March 30. One winner will be selected at random and notified using the email address used to leave comments.


    Ever taken your dog camping? Anything I should know?


    P.S. The whole I was typing this I was thinking of my favorite dog adventure video— it makes me smile widely and tear up unabashedly every time I see it. Do yourself a favor and watch!




    Also, just for fun: puppy photoshoot outtakes 🙂



  • Eco Pet Care: BarkLogic Review

    Eco Pet Care: BarkLogic Review

     saint bernard pup

    But was there ever dog that praised his fleas?
    William Butler Yeats

    When we welcomed Karma into our home we also unknowingly adopted a traveling circus of fleas, which then incubated and multiplied and basically tried to take over our house and lives.

    I am not squeamish by any stretch of the imagination, most bugs don’t bother me, but as a kid I was once swarmed with fleas— they were on my legs so thick it looked like I was wearing tights. And jumping around. OMG. I can still barely even think about it. I don’t like fleas. At all.

    So getting rid of the fleas became a nearly full-time endeavor for a while, and it was awful. We had to bomb, there was no way around it (happily it was summer, so I was able to take the kids away and the house aired out thoroughly before we returned). We had to vacuum incessantly, wash the dogs in horrid pesticide-laden shampoos that made my hands swell and hive and peel, wash every bit of fabric everywhere in hot water, and so on and so forth.

    It bit.

    Not wanting to subject the dogs or our kids or me to that kind of toxic warfare ever again, we’re going to be a bit more pro-active about keeping the dogs bathed and flea-free. Flea and tick shampoos are wicked toxic and should only be used in the event of full-blown infestation (in our case, after 10 days away when the flea populated was allowed to grow unchecked). These treatments are most dangerous when layered— think house bomb + spot tick/flea treatment + flea bath. It’s way too much for your dog and not great for you to be exposed to either. And, of course, there’s that whole issue of bottles to be disposed of and pesticides going down the drain.

    In less severe cases or for prevention, a plain old bath & shampoo on a regular basis followed by a flea combing/ de-ticking is sufficient.


    non toxic flea shampoo


    The BarkLogic line of tick and flea prevention and treatment products smells like lemongrass (disclosure: my favorite scent for anything) and contain pest-repelling ingredients like rosemary, cedarwood, borage oil, rose hip oil, oregano oil, thyme, orange peel tincture, chamomile and tea tree oil. These same essences and oils, by the way, will also help to keep insects at bay if you spray them around your doorways and such.

    BarkLogic sent me Organic Tick & Flea Pet Wash and Organic & Silky Pet Coat Conditioner to try. I have to start off by saying just how nice the bottles are. They’re a really high quality stainless steel and could definitely be reused.

    The shampoo lathers up nice and thick— it really didn’t take much to soap up Karma, and that’s a lot of dog. It also rinsed away quickly.


    dog bath



    I was a little skeptical about the need for conditioner on a dog. My dogs are foul beasts, mud rollers, and conditioner seems a bit silly. But in this case it’s another layer of scent, another line of defense, and you know what? Dang, that dog was soft as all get out afterwards. Her tail was all fluffy like one of those big long dusters you use to clean overhead fans. (I hope you know what I’m talking about because I got nothin’ more in the way of descriptors.)

    BarkLogic products are:

    • hypoallergenic
    • made with organic ingredients
    • eco-friendly
    • pesticide free, non-toxic
    • manufactured in the U.S.A. using locally sourced ingredients
    • contain no synthetic fragrances or colors
    • no fumes
    • no animal ingredients, dairy and soy Free
    • are biodegradable and recyclable.

    Boo yah.

    BarkLogic is part of Logic Product Group, which also carries bedbug and lice solutions. The website’s About Us page connects you right to the owner and includes an invitation to contact her directly with any questions, which I love.

    All I know is I didn’t hive up after using it on both dogs, they looked and smelled great, and we have no current flea problem. So most importantly, these products WORK.

    And I didn’t have to tell the kids they couldn’t play with the dogs after we washed them, which is wonderful since they don’t listen anyway.


    Cassidy with Karma


    Nice product, nice company. The website is chock-full of gross facts about the bugs they protect against. Full of WIN.

    Make sure to hit up Logic Products on Facebook or on Twitter to get the skinny on upcoming product discount codes, giveaways and new product launches.

    Ever get infested with fleas? It’s embarrassing, no?


    Disclosure: I received BarkLogic pet shampoo and conditioner to try for review purposes. I was not compensated in any other way, unless you count flealessness without hiviness, which is priceless.



  • Guess Whose Side of the Bed that Is? (Wordless-ish Wednesday)

    Guess Whose Side of the Bed that Is? (Wordless-ish Wednesday)

    lay down with dogs...



    As soon as I haul my tired carcass out of bed in the morning those dogs jump in my grave, leaving only for the occasional snack or pee break. I have to bribe them with treats to get them to move long enough that I can make the bed, and most days anymore I don’t even bother, because they’ll just burrow and dig the blankets back to their liking.

    Seriously, why my side? What difference can it make to a dog?

    Would love to hear your amateur Dog Whisperer theories.