Category: Local (DE, PA, NJ, MD)

  • Just Another Manic Monday: the Bangles on Tour

    Just Another Manic Monday: the Bangles on Tour

    bangles concert
    Me with the Bangles. Love this pic because I forgot to hide my braces & they don't look too terrible!

    Time, time, time
    see what’s become of me…


    It’s the springtime of my life.

    Seasons change with the scenery
    weaving time in a tapestry

    Won’t you stop and remember me?

    -The Bangles,
    “Hazy Shade of Winter”

    Saturday I got to play VIP and pre-game the Bangles concert in Philly. Even better than walking past the line of peeps patiently waiting to enter the TLA, or noshing on freaking gigantic slices of South St. pizza courtesy of Lorenzo’s?

    Getting to shake paws and rub elbows with the Bangles.

    Oh, hai. Have you met my inner fangirl?

    LOOK at those women. They haven’t aged a bit. (Or, as my husband said, “If you get a chance to talk to Susanna Hoffs make sure you tell her she’s still pretty hot.” DONE, babe. Check that one off my life list.)

    Susanna Hoffs is tiny, by the way. I felt like a bumbling ogre next to her. Oh, and I’m dressed in 80s gear (neon pink tights, purple Chucks, asymmetrical lace skirt), so I look like an idiot too 🙂

    Now, in my mind, which is a twisty and confusing place, every musical act has an equal and opposite musical act, and you only like one. So, were you a Debbie Gibson or Tiffany fan? Madonna or Cyndi Lauper? Go-Gos or Bangles?

    I have always been very firmly in the Bangles camp, and I’m gonna have to say: they can still rock the house. Much more so, in fact, than the lackluster crowd who paid to see them; I’m pretty sure I was annoying those around me as I bounced and bobbed, and I don’t care. I’ll have time to be old and boring when I’m dead.

    Antigone Rising opened, and those women can play some guitar. Is there anything sexier than a tough woman playing glass slide on a steel resonator? NO. There is not. Also, and correct me if I’m wrong, but I’ve never seen a female musician who didn’t have some seriously cut biceps. Coincidence? Or maybe just a lot of moving instruments around.

    The Bangles played all the old favorites- ‘Hazy Shade of Winter’, ‘Manic Monday’, ‘In Your Room’, ‘Walk Like an Egyptian’; and they broke out some songs from their new album Sweetheart of the Sun that was just released last week. My favorites there were ‘I’ll Never Be Through With You’, which Debbi Peterson (who smokes the drums AND the guitar, thankyouverymuch) affectionately dubbed Stalker Rock, and a tougher, snarky song that had me jumping up and down called ‘Ball and Chain.’

    (Yeah. I miss concerts. And being younger.)

    All good stuff, nostalgic and yet still fresh and fun, and it basically left me thinking we need more girl bands that rock their own instruments. Who meld sweet harmonies and lovely personalities with kickass riffs. Know what I mean?

    I don’t play an instrument, really. I can still play my first book and a half of Suzuki songs on the piano; they’re part of my muscle memory. I can read music, and pick out a few chords on a guitar. But I can’t pour my soul and my angst and my fire into song. I envy those who do.

    Music is something primal. It’s something tattooed onto our collective consciousness; it brings a roomful of individuals together for the love of the beat. The best songs are the ones that feel like old favorites even as you hear them for the first time (Adele excels at these).

    I think I’ve been inspired to urge Cass to take up an instrument. Happily, our public school offers music lessons once you hit the middle grades.

    And maybe I’ll pick up a guitar again, myself.

    Sigh. The arts in school!! They matter.


    Have you revisited some of your favorite songs of your youth recently? Seen any of them in concert? (I know some of you saw New Kids on the Block when they came around. ‘Fess up.)

    Do you play an instrument? Do your kids?

    80s are back
    Me with @Valerie4012. My shirt shows The Misfits, the equal but opposite musical group to Jem & the Holograms.



    Photo credit: I think both of these were taken by Jessica at Delaware County Moms. Thanks man!

    And many thanks to the good folks of 95.7 Ben FM who bravely gave 20 Philly area mom bloggers VIP tickets to the concert, and to the Bangles for not making fun of my outfit, and to Jeff for watching the kids TWICE in one day.

  • Fowler’s Toad Comes A-Courtin’

    Fowler’s Toad Comes A-Courtin’

    fowlers toad

    It’s never the wrong time to call on Toad.
    Early or late he’s always the same fellow.

    Always good-tempered, always glad to see you, always sorry when you go!

    Kenneth Grahame,
    The Wind in the Willows

    We have an over-abundance of toads in our backyard, apparently. I’m identifying them as Fowler’s toads due to their bounty of warts and light stripe down their backs.

    Fowler’s toads are nocturnal and have glands behind their eyes that secrete a nauseating toxin as a defense mechanism against hungry predators. So if your dog or your kid brings you one, you’ll want to wash hands/mouths accordingly. (Your dog’s mouth. Your kid’s hands. Hopefully.)

    Toads in the yard are a good thing, though (maybe less so if your kid is bringing them to you in his mouth). A single adult toad can eat 10,000 insects over the course of an average summer, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Talk about non-toxic pest control!

    A quick online search indicates they smell like unroasted peanuts. I cannot confirm or deny at this time, as I have not thought to give them a good whiff, but I’ll keep it in mind for my next sighting. I should probably also re-familiarize myself with the smell of unroasted peanuts.

    And now I want hot fresh-roasted peanuts. They used to sell them at a small produce shop in town and my mom would always buy me a bag… you could smell them from blocks away. Does anyone sell them anymore?

    My only beef with my warty friends: they are constantly sitting just outside my doors, patiently waiting to be let in. It’s weird— and dangerous. I’ve accidentally closed one in my bedroom sliding glass door.

    I’m glad they’ve come to call, I guess, but… Mr. Toad, perhaps you could text me first? Your perpetual “just dropping in” kinda creeps me out.

  • It’s Hot

    It’s Hot

    it's hot

    It’s hot!
    I can’t get cool,
    I’ve drunk a quart of lemonade.
    I think I’ll take my shoes off
    And sit around in the shade.

    It’s hot!
    My back is sticky,
    The sweat rolls down my chin.
    I think I’ll take my clothes off
    And sit around in my skin.

    It’s hot!
    I’ve tried with ‘lectric fans,
    And pools and ice cream cones.
    I think I’ll take my skin off
    And sit around in my bones.

    It’s still hot!

    -Shel Silverstein


    It’s too hot to smile for the camera, apparently.

    I’m not complaining… just quoting.