Category: Photography

  • (Mostly) Wordless Wednesday: Bluebirds

    (Mostly) Wordless Wednesday: Bluebirds

    First hummingbirds and now bluebirds!


    When nature made the blue-bird
    she wished to propitiate both the sky and the earth,

    so she gave him the color of the one on his back
    and the hue of the other on his breast.

    -John Burroughs


    male and female bluebird
    Boy bluebird AND girl bluebird!
    two bluebirds
    Lovebirds! They're always together
    bluebird on branch
    I want to see bluebird babies!


    Good week for backyard birding!

    We also saw a Red-Tailed Hawk (aka chickenhawk, as in “I’m a chickenhawk, you’re a chicken.” Foghorn Legghorn: “Why, I ain’t no chicken, boy. There’s your chicken. D-O-G. Chicken.” Anyone?) but it flew off before I could get inside for the camera, or coax it to be my falconry friend.

    I’m off to buy a bluebird house… and maybe a better zoom lens.

    I hope I can entice this beautiful couple to summer with us. They make me happy.

    I think maybe Spring is here… for realz!

    What signs of spring have you noticed this week?


  • Attracting Hummingbirds: Time to Hang Your Hummingbird Feeders!

    Attracting Hummingbirds: Time to Hang Your Hummingbird Feeders!

    ruby-throated hummingbird

    From scarlet to powdered gold,
    to blazing yellow,
    to the rare
    ashen emerald,
    to the orange and black velvet
    of your shimmering corselet,
    out to the tip
    that like
    an amber thorn
    begins you,
    small, superlative being,
    you are a miracle,
    and you blaze

    -Pablo Neruda, “Ode to the Hummingbird”

    Jeff spotted hummingbirds in the yard today!

    I love, love, love the hummingbirds, and I can’t believe I never noticed one until I was an adult (I was at a park and totally thought it was an enormous bee, until it flew backwards to me and hovered right in front of my face; as if to say, “I am no insect, I am a lovely bird, and you are a very stupid lady.”).

    If you have no feeder, you can get them at most big pet stores or at Target or whatnot. They don’t have to be expensive or fancy, but red is a good idea.

    If you have one from years past, you’ll want to give it a good scrubbing with hot water and vinegar. Add some uncooked rice to the inside and shake it around to dislodge any leftover gunk; use an old toothbrush for more targeted cleaning.

    Make your own hummingbird nectar by adding 1/4 cup of white sugar per cup of boiling hot water and stirring until fully incorporated. Cool completely before adding to feeder; extra can be kept in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

    Hang your feeder in the shade to keep the nectar from getting overheated and to slow spoilage. You’ll want to clean and refill at least once a week, more often in the heat of summer.

    Get ready for next year by planting some hummer-friendly flowers around your yard!

    It’s worth the trouble, I promise!


  • Whenever you’re ready…

    Whenever you’re ready…



    The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another.

    The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month.

    -Henry Van Dyke



    No winter lasts forever;

    no spring skips its turn.

    -Hal Borland


    April is a promise that May is bound to keep.

    -Hal Borland


    The calendar says spring.

    The backyard flowers say spring.

    My allergies say spring.

    The air says, put your sweater back on. It ain’t spring yet.

    Whenever you’re ready, Mother Nature.

    I’m rarin’ to play, and I’m tired of waiting.
