Category: Photography

  • Happy Friday!

    I avoid looking forward or backward,
    and try to keep looking upward.

    -Charlotte Bronte

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    “How unlucky I am,
    that this should have happened to me!”

    By no means;

    say, rather,

    “How lucky I am
    that this has left me with no bitterness,
    unshaken by the present,
    and undismayed by the future.”


    Well, I’m trying, anyway!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  • One Side Will Make You Taller

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    I am… a mushroom

    On whom the dew of heaven drops now and then.

    -John Ford

    Ugh. All this rain and humidity-

    we have mushrooms

    (and toadstools? Are they the same or different?)

    popping up all over.

    Growing alongside our driveway-

    this specimen is about five inches high and eight inches across.

    That doesn’t seem so amazing when you read it,

    but trust me, it is an enormous mushroom.

    Growing out of the sides of trees.

    Or just growing within our blanket of probably-needs-mowing grass,

    like it belongs there.

    This is the most toxic looking thing I have ever seen.

    I will not be eating it.

    (Even though I would like to be taller.)

  • A Little Flower

    Just living is not enough…

    One must have sunshine,


    and a little flower.

    -Hans Christian Andersen

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    Week is half over!

    It is HOT here already…at 9:30 a.m.

    How are you keeping your cool?