Tag: Dr. Honig

  • Braces Are Off, Yo.

    Braces Are Off, Yo.

    adult braces


    Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile,
    but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.

    ―Thich Nhat Hanh


    Lookit me! I gots nice teef!

    This is me when I was 15 or 16. I had buck teeth, a severe overbite, and my two front formed Vs, top and bottom.

    I also have on black lipstick, but let’s let that go for now.



    Over time I learned to smile with my mouth closed. Literally, the only pictures I have of me smiling with teeth from age 16 on are when I was pretty drunk.


    tight-lipped smileI won’t lie. I love this photo. 


    I eventually developed TMJ. I experienced a dull pain… all the time. 24/7. No relief. I clenched my jaw compulsively and ground my teeth at night.

    When I went to the  orthodontist and he said that straightening my teeth *might* dispel that ongoing pain… I cried. In his office.

    The TMJ got better before I was even a year in, and seeing this pic (with The Bangles!) I realized that even with the braces still on, my teeth looked better than they had since I was 7.


    bangles concert
    Me with the Bangles. Love this pic because I forgot to hide my braces & they don't look too terrible!



    I was already hiding my teeth for school pics when I was 7, by the way.



    A lifetime of hiding and feeling bad about myself. A decade of ever-present face pain.

    I had to smile for pics at the orthodontist today, and it felt weird. I’m not used to it. When I stop to think about that, it makes me sad.

    I may never be beautiful, but I’ll never stop myself from smiling again.



    Adult braces. I felt crappy and selfish getting them, as they were a huge expense for reasons that were largely cosmetic.

    They were the best thing I ever did for me.


    Big time shoutouts to the folks at Dr. Honig‘s office. You guys are the best.