Tag: macro photography

  • The Song Sings Itself

    The Song Sings Itself


    In summer the song
    sings itself

    -William Carlos Williams


    When we first moved here from the city it was late March and we were struck by how quiet it is. Although we do have neighbors, they’re not nearly so close as they are on a city street, and a line of trees on all sides buffer sound.

    There’s not a constant stream of traffic, the lyrics from blaring stereos escaping from open windows, the bass turned up so high sometimes that you can sort of feel the car coming long before you see it. There’s no beeping from impatient drivers when the car in front of them doesn’t move quickly enough when the light goes green. No incessant sirens from the firehouse a few blocks down or on their way to the hospital half a mile away. No combatant couple going at it every weekend like clockwork, muttering and yelling until someone gives up and reports a domestic abuse or noise violation so that we can all get some sleep.

    Peace. Silence. That’s March.

    Summer is a whole different thing. I wake up to the house wrens feeding their babies, a cascade of warbling notes like a bubbling fountain, a chorus of fainter song responding in excitement or hunger. The crows hold a meeting in the trees outside my bedroom window, sometimes hopping down to pace the ground while they state their case. A pileated woodpecker laughs and drums away. Sometimes a squirrel gets all riled up and starts scolding. Morning is my favorite.

    Once the sun gets nice and hot though, the birds sensibly settle down for naps and all I hear is insects. Bees and dragonflies drone by. And all day long, all night long, the grasshoppers, crickets, cicadas and katydids are hard at work. It’s constant, unrelenting. In mid-July they haven’t started yet and I’ll wonder where they are; by the first week of August I can’t believe I was looking for it. It’s SO LOUD, crazy making, wave after wave after wave of drawn out clicking and buzzing.

    Perspective: I don’t miss the sounds of the city. And I know that pretty soon the robins will be at it and they’re downright annoying to hear all day long. After that, the leaves will turn and fall and the winds and snow will come and I’ll be counting the days until the hot and hazy days of summer return.

    So I’ll try to enjoy the sounds of the golden afternoons while I still have them; savor the sunshine warming me all the way through, the delicious respite of a cold sweaty drink or unexpected cool air washing in at night.

    It’s hard though. Goddamn those bugs are loud.

  • Thursday- Hang in There–

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    To be one’s self,
    and unafraid whether right or wrong,
    is more admirable
    than the easy confidence
    of surrender to conformity.

    -Irving Wallace


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    It is better to be hated for what you are
    than loved for what you are not.

    -Andre Gide


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    Style is knowing who you are,
    what you want to say,
    and not giving a damn.

    -Gore Vidal

    I may have mentioned before, that the “Thursday Hang in There” is code for “bigass spiders (Kristin don’t look).” I’ve been taking a lot of flak lately about all the spider photos, but I’m taking my cue from Gore Vidal today.

    I like the spider photos. So there.

    What always amazes me about the spiders is that they don’t back down. Rather than scurry off or fly away at the slightest movement like most little buggers, spiders seem cognizant of my approach and will actually move towards me. I have to admire them, standing up to Goliath. Running towards an unknown enemy. Scrappy little guys.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not some sort of weird spider lover, I won’t be keeping them as pets, I get jumpy when they get too close, and I don’t touch them if I don’t have to.

    But I respect the role they play. Spiders keep the populations of mosquitos and fruit flies and other pests down, for which I am eternally grateful, and they in turn provide food for the birds that we so love. Without spiders, the balance of nature would be thrown into absolute chaos.

    We all have a role to play; we are all connected. Each of us is essential in some specific and vital way. What we need to do is search out what that one thing is, and pursue it with all our energy and ability.

    I feel like in this country we push the idea of being unique and yet reward conformity. And then we point fingers; this one is no different than that one, that one has no new ideas, everyone is like so many sheep.

    Conformity is the jailer of freedom
    and the enemy of growth.


    Whoso would be a man,
    must be a nonconformist.

    -Ralph Waldo Emerson

    This is something I think about often in terms of my children. Do I want them to stand out or fit in?

    And I think of it almost constantly now in terms of politics.

    Do we really want mavericks representing our interests? Is real change even possible with so many people in power who are so much the same, and representative of a homogenized society?

    Do we live in a country that celebrates individual thought, free speech, anymore? How does society move forward if it does not?

    Another day, another tangent. Really, I have to start planning these posts ahead of time. Any thoughts?