Tag: outdoor office

  • Nearly Wordless Wednesday: Outdoor Office

    Nearly Wordless Wednesday: Outdoor Office


    Work is either fun or drudgery. It depends on your attitude.

    I like fun.

    -Colleen C. Barrett
    former President, Corporate Secretary Southwest Airlines

    I’ve been a very good girl lately so I got a present. (I’m supposed to share.)

    Step into my new office. And early morning coffee nook. And dining room. And evening living room.

    I’m looking into a hammock so it can be a bedroom, too 🙂

    No nature-deficit disorder here.

    martha stewart augusta
    Laptop. Blackberry. Blackberry Izzy. What else does one need?


    The rattlesnake green beans are flowering


    mr stripey tomato plant
    as is the Mr. Stripey tomato plant


    The soft and fairy-like glow of half a dozen solar lights (Hampton Bay from Home Depot) let me hang out at night

    Life is good.
