Tag: pa spiders

  • On Candystripe Legs the Spiderman Comes: Wordless Wednesday

    On Candystripe Legs the Spiderman Comes: Wordless Wednesday

    large spider

    If you want to live and thrive,
    let the spider run alive.
    -Quaker proverb

    Every night I shut down the laptop, let The Dogness out one last time, brush and floss, let the dog in before bed.

    Last night this guy hitchhiked on Jimmy’s back, and while I’m not scared by spiders I’m glad I noticed it before the light went out.

    He measured almost 3″ across— that’s a big spider, even by my standards— and I didn’t feel right keeping him trapped until morning, so the lighting is low.

    Wolf spider is my best guess. (Spider identification is hard.) I tossed him into the veggie garden, may he grow fat on aphids.

    closeup wolf spider

    How do you feel about spiders?