Tag: recycle mascara wands

  • “Wandraiser” – Donate Mascara Wands to Help Rescued Wildlife

    “Wandraiser” – Donate Mascara Wands to Help Rescued Wildlife


    What the duck! Yes, that is a mascara wand being recycled to help clean off this little orphan🐣 #WandsforWildlife #SavingWildLives

    A post shared by Appalachian Wildlife Refuge (@appalachianwild) on

    “Wherever there are wild animals in the world,
    there is always an opportunity for caring, compassion and kindness.”

    ―Paul Oxton

    I maybe have a little bit of a… mascara problem. I don’t wear makeup normally; if I’m going out I’ll quickly brush on some blush and mascara. That said, I love mascara. Obsessively so. Since it’s pretty much all the makeup I wear I have high standards for it and I do tend to shop around and try new brands whenever possible.

    As a result, I have a LOT of mascaras hanging out in my vanity, in travel bags, in my gym bag, on my bathroom counter. And now, I’m happy to report they can be put to good use.

    The Appalachian Wildlife Rescue is a volunteer run wildlife rehab in North Carolina. They provide care for injured and orphaned wildlife, and your old mascara wands can help. The small bristles are close together, making the wands an ideal tool for combing fly eggs and larva out of animal fur.

    All you have to do is fill out the donation form, give your mascara wands a good soapy wash and dry, then stick them in a mailer and address it to:

    Appalachian Wildlife Rescue
    P.O. Box 1211
    Skyland, NC 28776

    Even better, you could do one of these things:

    1. Hold a Wandraiser of your own and send all those wands in together. The Appalachian Wildlife Rescue has a poster you can print out for this.
    2. Check with your local wildlife rescue and see if they could use mascara wands at their facility, or any other easily donated items.
    3. Send a monetary donation, to this wildlife rescue or one near you. Don’t buy mascara just for the purpose if sending in the wands!
    4. Volunteer at your local rescue.