I actually spent less than $30 dollars at the farmer’s market this week because the chick who sells me eggs wasn’t there. Egg chick, what happened? I missed ya!
- potatoes
- a yellow squash and a GIANT cucumber
- salad greens
- six ears of corn
- two kinds of plums (the smaller ones are Candy Plums and my kids do indeed pop them like candy)
- delicious looking blackberries- they must be tasty because as you can see here, the boys ate nearly half the box between the market and this photo being taken
- more “1st crop” apples- thinking of making a crisp!
- and again with the Smoked Cheddar. My husband loooves the Smoked Cheddar from Eve’s Cheese, I am going to have to stock up for the winter….You can freeze cheese, can’t you?
We went to my in-law’s for dinner, so I made myself a quick local lunch.
Open-faced grilled cheese (smoked cheddar on wheat bread from local bakery) with 1st pick tomato from the backyard!
Also some backyard green beans and sliced apples.
This was the laziest meal ever, just passed the sandwich and beans under the broiler.
Delicious! Although next tme I will be more careful to fully blanket the bread with the cheese.
Actually, now that I am thinking about it, I ate another local meal this week.
Just some cut-up peppers, tomato and cucumber from the farmer’s market, egg salad (local eggs and homemade mayo). I dipped the veggies into the egg salad, which really grossed out my husband. I don’t know, I really like egg salad. Is that a crime?
Today I am looking forward to some cucumber and cream cheese sandwiches.
Or, maybe some apple and cheddar sandwiches? Maybe another tea party is in order.
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