Cucumber Beetles: Wolves in Ladybugs’ Clothing

Hallo! Why all these cups?
Why cucumber sandwiches?
Why such reckless extravagance in one so young?

-Oscar Wilde
The Importance of Being Earnest

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So I was enchanted by what appeared to be some sort of yellow ladybug, so pretty on that lone yellow flower we have blooming. Spent forever trying to get a picture, little guy was very quick and just kept walking, walking, walking. He must have walked miles on the surface of that flower.

(Of course, looking at it now, on a computer screen, I can see its body shape is different from a ladybug’s, but they are really quite small, cut me some slack, will ya?)

Come back inside, go through the insect book with Maverick, and here is what we find:

One of the most destructive beetles is the Eastern Spotted Cucumber Beetle, 1/4″, which is greenish yellow with black spots and has brown and yellow antennae. It damages foliage, flowers, and pollen of cucumbers, melons, corn, potatoes, and peanuts.

Oh no! My cucumbers! My cucumber sandwiches!

I was swayed by his lively gait and charming demeanor. I’ll not be fooled again.


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