A Question of Kirtsy

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Do you Kirtsy?

Is it worth my time?

What is there to love?

What is there not to love?

What level of time suckage are we talking about here?

Talk to me, Goose. I need feedback.

Many thanks in advance!


9 responses to “A Question of Kirtsy”

  1. FancyPants-design Avatar

    Well.. I put Kurtsy on my site and I never use it. Honestly I don't even know how…so I am going to check back here to find out if anyone gives you any answers 😉

  2. Stephanie Avatar

    I don't think it looks particularly useful… though I'm definitely not sure at first glance what it is. Also why is it called "curtsey". Are we supposed to show obeisance to superiors in popularity?

    … I think I just wanted to use "obeisance" in English, sorry!

  3. please sir Avatar
    please sir

    I like kirtsy – I don't check it out as much as I would like to. But I love when someone kirtsys me – it's such a nice feeling!

  4. Krissy Avatar

    Kirtsy is cool every now and then. I don't check it out daily or even weekly, but there is always something worthwhile on it 🙂

  5. Robin Avatar

    OK, since I'm not getting a resounding wave of enthusiasm, I'll let Kirtsy be for now. I do feel like I am often aimlessly clicking around looking for new people to connect with, and I thought maybe Kirtsy would help narrow down the enormous blog world. I like the social aspect of it… I don't think it would do me personally any good, the type of thing I post is not Kirtsy material.

    I'm not crazy about stumbleUpon either… In what way do you search the web when you are not looking for something specific? Do you know what I mean? Kind of like skimming the new releases and staff pick shelves at the library.

    stephanie, obeisance can be my vocab word of the day. I'll see how many times I can work it into conversation… yes, these are dorky things I do for fun…

  6. Stephanie Avatar

    One thing I like to do is go to a popular blog and then either check out all of their links on their blogroll, if they have one, or check out their commenters' sites (on one specific blog post). I do a LOT of random surfing that way. I think it gives you a bit more of a directed focus.

    Then, of course, when I'm really being aimless, I find new links from the places I just found.

    Using a new vocab word a day is kind of a good idea, actually. An ever-improving vocabulary is good for you.

    Alas, I tend to be happy with the vocabulary I have. It really could use expansion. I'm just lazy.

  7. Robin Avatar

    You make a good point- I should be using the blogroll of sites I like, and the comments there. The problem is that I subscribe to feed via Google Reader, which means I rarely visit on-site unless I want to comment (and then I get the rest of the comments via email!)

    Maybe I should go back to bookmarking and visiting actual sites? Esp. since everyone spends so much time crafting the visuals of the site; I'm losing out on the experience, so to speak, when I get the RSS version.

    I'm a vocab geek. As in, sometimes I like to just page through the dictionary and call out words and definitions that I think are funny/interesting/sound like dirty words. My family finds this not as enjoyable as I do.

  8. Stephanie Avatar

    My favorite feature of Google Reader is a bookmarks plug-in it has, where you can bookmark this "Next" button and it'll take you to the page of the next unread blog post. That way I don't miss out on the layout but don't have to check all the bookmarks I have.

    And, when I just want to check out a single web site's info, I can just click on the link from Google Reader. Do you use the recommendations feature as well? That might help.

  9. Robin Avatar

    Thanks Stephanie! I will figure out the plug-in. The recommendations are all politics related at the moment, but I could probably dig deeper…you've been a big help. Yay! I look forward to trolling for fresh reads this weekend.

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