I Am So Freaking Happy

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Who would have thought it possible

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that a tiny little flower

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could preoccupy a person so completely

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that there simply wasn’t room for any other thought?

-Sophie Scholl

Cassidy has a favorite book by Margaret Wise Brown called The Color Kittens that is one of those rare children’s books, that are a joy to read aloud.

Brush and Hush are two kittens with green eyes, who mix and splash their buckets and buckets of paints to make all the colors of the world. They fall asleep and dream a fantastical dream….

And suddenly Brush woke up and Hush woke up. It was morning. They crawled out of bed into a big bright world. The sky was wild with sunshine.

The kittens were wild with purring and pouncing-

They got so pouncy they knocked over the buckets and all the colors ran out together.

There were all the colors in the world and the color kittens had made them.

That’s how I feel, like today there is color where no color existed before.

I feel wild with sunshine. The air is delicious.

I follow bees from flower to flower and drink in the color and the buzz.

I cannot speak; I purr.


2 responses to “I Am So Freaking Happy”

  1. april Avatar

    The Color Kittens!!!!! Margaret Wise Brown had such an amazing way with words!
    We have at least half a dozen song sparrows in our yard today and they are wild with chirping and tweeting. I missed them.

  2. Jennie Lyon Avatar
    Jennie Lyon

    Great pics.

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