It’s been a while since I did a link roundup, but there was so much about food this week I just couldn’t resist.
1. Why ‘100% Orange Juice’ Is Still Artificial
Because oxygen is taken out for longevity, making the OJ lose its natural flavor. So the slight difference in taste between brands? Happens as a result of the chemical formulations that add in the orange-ness back in, and does not have to be labeled. Time to start juicing.
2. Got Enhanced Meat? USDA Rule May Make It Easier To Tell
New packaging will have to carry labels such as chicken breast – 40% added solution of water and teriyaki sauce.
“About 30 percent of poultry, 15 percent of beef, and 90 percent of pork are injected with some kind of liquid solution before sale, USDA says, and it’s usually something high in sodium.”
No word on whether they’ll have to disclose fecal soup baths.
3. Extremely High Levels of Arsenic Found in Mott’s Apple Juice
“Various brands of apple juice and apple sauce were tested and unfortunately one sample of Mott’s Apple Juice registered 55 parts per billion of arsenic. To put this into perspective, 55 parts per billion is more than five times the level of arsenic that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) allows in drinking water.”
Apple juice is a concentrate, which means any pesticides are concentrated too. If you were wondering where to start buying organic, this is a good bet.
4. Is Commercially-Prepared Food Responsible for Childhood Weight Gain?
Um. Yes.
Here’s some research to back up what everybody knows in their damn heart to be true.
5. With few healthy options, teens eating more junk food
“California teenagers are living and attending schools in junk food wastelands.. Researchers analyzed the number of healthy and unhealthy restaurants and food outlets near teens’ schools and homes. The result: For nearly 75 percent of teens, junk food outlets outnumber healthy ones at least 5-to-1.”
Right. Now, refer to the previous link.
6. Gout prevalence swells in US over last 2 decades
Know what else has swelled in the last two decades? Fast food restaurants, and cheap meat.
Know what the leading contributory causes of gout are? Obesity, too much meat in the diet, and hypertension (causes: obesity, lack of activity, excessive salt in the diet.)
Refer to the last two links and connect the dots.
7. McDonald’s Happy Meals get apples, fewer fries
Eye roll. Sure, it’s better than no change at all, but let’s face it: kids are still being rewarded for eating a burger and fries. Let’s put a sincerely healthy option on the menu and then give the kids something better than a commercialized piece of crap that’s going to break in two days, mmmkay?
To recap:
Cook from scratch, juice your own, eat at home.
Forever and ever, amen.
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