“Light” a short film directed by David Parker, initially began as a project intended to bring awareness to energy waste. Bleeding, crying lights were meant to metaphorically parallel the way in which we invisibly squander our natural resources without much thought. While the original sentiment remains, the film also grew into a poetic statement about a world run amok and the human tendency to exploit that which we hold dear.
Haunting and beautiful and thought-provoking. But if I’m being super honest the first thought that popped into my mind was that Jack Handy quote: “If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.”
Ahem. Anyway:
Really simple ways to conserve electricity
(thus saving money):
- Unplug devices when done charging; unplug charging cords from the wall when not in use.
- Use power strips to power your TV and peripherals (DVD, game systems, etc) and click the whole thing off when you’re done with the TV. Same goes for your computer.
- Plug in small appliances only when you’re using them.
- Turn off those lights!
Are you a conscious energy conserver?
Tony says
I agree with your sentiments entirely. We waste so much energy in this country. It costs us money every month and is depleting our precious natural resources. How hard is it to just turn off the lights?