It is 73 Degrees Outside

tiny blooms

tiny blooms

It is 73 degrees outside and I am giddy with springitude.

I have packages to mail, presents to buy, dinner to make…

I creep all around the property, looking for more newness, more rebirth.

I am not disappointed. Every day, something new, delicate, tentative; the next, it opens its arms to embrace the sun; soon after, the joy has passed, the bloom fades, the moment is gone.

But then again something new, to seek out and document.

I am like Issa’s little girl:

“The peony is this big!”

the child’s arms


I cannot imagine what the neighbors, or passing cars, can possibly think of me as I lie flat on my belly, clicking away, attempting to achieve lovely shots of violets, tiny little things.

What springs unbidden to my own mind is,


Comes like an idiot,

babbling and strewing flowers.”

-Edna St. Vincent Millay


One response to “It is 73 Degrees Outside”

  1. […] Damaged early buds mean no explosion of spring flowers, no showers of petals from trees, no “blooming most recklessly,” no “April comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.” […]

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