Still Thinking: 8 More Ways For Me to Reduce

  1. Buy loose tea in bulk.
  2. Actually get around to making everybody handkerchiefs, not just Jacob.
  3. Remember to bring own jars to co-op for bulk bin items so I don’t need a bag.
  4. Remember to stop librarian from printing out list of books taken out ( this tends to run somewhere around 30 when all three kids go with me.)
  5. Take advantage of Netflix’s Instant Movie selection; lots of good stuff here. ( You can now stream Netflix movies straight to your TV– but there’s a $100 initial cost for the box. Too rich for my blood.)
  6. Way back in the day, I stocked up on shampoo, conditioner and bars of Dove Soap for dirt cheap. I am finally reaching the end of that supply, and instead of buying individual products again, I’ll get a gallon jug of Dr.Bronner’s All-One and divvy it into smaller containers. I had thought my next bottle of Bronner would be eucalyptus, but I see they now offer citrus. Hmmm. That’s a tough one.
  7. After sponge supply ends, switch to dishcloths.
  8. Encourage Cassie to paint hundreds of pictures per day on her wall chalkboard, rather than scrap or recycled paper or (horrors) her 0% post-consumer content construction paper.

Help! I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel here! Any more ideas?


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