Star-of-Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum): Mostly Wordless Wednesday

star of bethlehem flower

star of bethlehem flower

To a person uninstructed in natural history,
his country or seaside stroll is a walk through a gallery filled with wonderful works of art,

nine-tenths of which have their faces turned to the wall.

–Thomas Huxley

I love finding out the names of the flowers that volunteer in our yard. This one took a little time to research; it wasn’t listed in any of my field guides. It eventually occurred to me to search by area and not flower type, and I found a lovely site under the search term Delaware wildflowers.

This ethereal beauty is the Star-of-Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum). It popped up overnight in huge drifts, and of course it turns out that they are non-native and invasive, not to mention toxic to The Dogness, who is more interested in eating the outdoors than his dinner.

But they are pretty, aren’t they?

What’s popping up in your garden?



2 responses to “Star-of-Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum): Mostly Wordless Wednesday”

  1. mamikaze Avatar

    lovely! I went with generic annuals this year. I cant wait to have a bigger yard to plant perennials. I put get squash starts in the ground yesterday, too.

    1. robin elton Avatar
      robin elton

      I’d love to plant squash & zucchini, since everyone says they’re so prolific. Seems like a satisfying payoff (except I’d have to eat all the squash & zucchini, my kids are not really fans).

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