Don’t exist.
Get out, explore.
Challenge authority. Challenge yourself.
Change forever.Become who you say you always will. Keep moving. Don’t stop. Start the revolution. Become a freedom fighter. Become a superhero. Just because everyone doesn’t know your name doesn’t mean you don’t matter.
Are you happy? Have you ever been happy? What have you done today to matter? Did you exist or did you live? How did you thrive?
Become a chameleon— fit in anywhere. Be a rockstar— stand out everywhere. Do nothing, do everything. Forget everything, remember everyone. Care, don’t just pretend to. Listen to everyone. Love everyone and nothing at the same time. Its impossible to be everything, but you can’t stop trying to do it all.
All I know is that I have no idea where I am right now. I feel like I am in training for something, making progress with every step I take. I fear standing still. It is my greatest weakness.
I talk big, but often don’t follow through. That’s my biggest problem. I don’t even know what to think right now. It’s about time I start to take a jump. F*ck starting to take. Just jump— over everything.
Leap.-Brian Krans, A Constant Suicide
You get a bonus day this year.
What will you do with it? How will you leap?
Jessica at Found the Marbles invited me to take part in her Leap Around the Blogosphere. Answering some questions just for kicks and leaps— you should, too!
My childhood nickname was:
I’ve never had a nickname; most people don’t even call me by my actual name. I’m always sort of startled when I hear Robin. I’m more of a “hey, you! C’mere!”
My mother used to call me the Devil Slut Child. Does that count?
If you want to spoil me rotten, buy me a:
macro lens. And a fisheye lens. And a good telephoto. And a tripod. I spent all my monies on the camera and all I could afford after was kit lenses. I swear the macro on my little Elph point and shoot was waaaay better (see yesterday’s post about 3 years of crocuses for visual confirmation).
The television character I most identify with is:
Jess (Zooey Deschanel) on New Girl. As I am also socially awkward, plus I think I’m funny and no one else seems to agree with me.
If I had a whole day to go shopping and money to spend, I would go to:
Anthropologie. I’d spend the whole day trying everything on and walk out with one dress, one pair of pants and ten tank tops. I love their clothes but my broad-shouldered man body doesn’t fit quite right in them.
The most wild and crazy thing I have ever done (that I can admit to publicly) is:
Hmmm… I am not really known for wild and crazy. Eccentric and mildly amusing, yes. I can think of a few things that fall under the heading of “drunk and stupid” but I’m not about to let my kids know about them… I guess it would be how back in the day, before kids, we’d just decide on the spur of the moment to go on a trip… Once we decided to drive to the beach during a snowstorm, just to see what the ocean looked like. We left at midnight, walked the beach and the boards, and were back in time for me to shower and be at work at 9am. Another time we drove to New Orleans and back in a 48 hour period. Just because. Now, if I want to run out to the bookstore there’s like 10 things I need to do before I leave the house.
The one thing on my bucket list that I am most eager to do is:
Learn to scuba dive and then go on a Cousteau expedition. First I need to learn to swim.
My family will always be loyal to:
the Polynesian at Disney World. We had a fantabulous time there and if’n we ever get to go back I’m not sure the kids (and Jeff, especially) would settle for a different resort.
If I could spend a day with a celebrity I would choose:
my celebrity BFF Justin Timberlake. But ideally it would be me and JT and David Letterman hanging out for a night on the town. The three of us? Fireworks. Johnny Knoxville could come along too if he asked nicely.
In my opinion, the best invention in the history of the world is:
the water heater. Sure, there are snazzier things in the world but do any of them compare with the joy of a hot shower after a tough workout or a cold winter’s day? I think not.
When life hands me lemons, I make:
- organic lemonade to mix with fizzy water from our SodaStream, with a couple of organic pomegranate juice ice cubes
- lemon drops with Death’s Door vodka and supah-fine sugar
- hot lemon zinger tea with lemon-chia seed scones
- lemon sugar cookies with lemon glaze icing.
- maybe even this lemon cake with black tea frosting.
Dang, somebody send me a whole CRATE of lemons and let’s have ourselves a party.
Pick a question! Tell me your answer!
Give me more lemon recipes for my party!
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