Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength
that will endure as long as life lasts.There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature—
the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.
― Rachel Carson
This was pretty much the winter that wasn’t, huh?
Hard to believe that the snowdrops are already pushing their way to the surface, their faces turned away from the brightness of the winter sun.
We were supposed to get a bit of snow yesterday, and I’m vaguely disappointed we didn’t, as I would have loved to have photographed these defiantly shooting through snow. Ah well. One of these years I’ll get that shot.
To put it the early emergence of the snowdrops in perspective:
- in 2011, I sighted them on March 12th.
- in 2010, they were glorious on March 8th.
- March 8th was the magical day in 2009, post Snowmageddon.
So spring is more than two weeks early this year, the first year since I started blogging that I haven’t chronicled dealing with the SADness. Odd. But it figures.
How do you feel about the early spring?
Bring it on? Or not quite ready?
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