Category: Make a Difference: Community & Calls to Action

  • Finding Justice for Caylee Anthony

    Yesterday, Casey Anthony was found not guilty of first-degree murder in the death of her two-year-old daughter, Caylee.

    The shock and outrage of the internet was immediate; where was the justice for Caylee Anthony?

    I may be alone in saying this, but: I don’t feel that Casey’s being found guilty, or the seeking of the death penalty, would bring any justice to the death of that little girl. All it would do is feed our voyeuristic need to be “right.” And then we’d just move on.

    You want justice? You want to somehow justify that child’s life being taken from her?

    Then you need to step up and make sure it doesn’t happen to another little girl. You need to help prevent the childhoods of other little girls and boys from being taken from them— and keep in mind that doesn’t only mean wrongful death, it also means being forced to grow up too soon.

    • Advocate for better support and treatment of post-partum depression and mental illness in all its forms.
    • Volunteer for support hotlines.
    • Reach out to new mothers in your community.
    • Support programs for new parents at pediatrician offices and hospitals.
    • Support sex ed and birth control availability so people don’t become parents that aren’t willing, or ready.
    • Donate time, supplies, and/or money to shelters for domestic abuse victims.
    • Become a Big Brother or Sister.
    • Become involved in community programs, sports, literacy groups, art classes, youth groups, whatever, that use your particular talents to lift up today’s kids.
    • Learn what to look for to discern possible child abuse. Learn how to hear what a child might be telling you.
    • Share this info with anyone who will listen. Just because it’s an uncomfortable conversation doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have it. That’s called an excuse, and a lame one at that.
    • And then, if you see or hear anything that whispers, “Something is wrong here,” SPEAK THE F*CK UP. I speak from experience when I say: some kids will only trust an adult and share their hardest secrets ONCE. Ignore them, be afraid to do anything, and they may never have the courage to try again.

    This list is off the top of my head and pertains to your hyper-local community. There is SO MUCH MORE to be done on a global scale.

    Get involved, get involved, get involved. I can’t say it enough. We’ve become this nation of insular beings, traveling in our air-conditioned cars with the windows rolled up, holding our own children close and turning a blind eye to other people’s children, all the while clucking and shaking our head over stories like Caylee Anthony’s.

    Skip turning on your porch light for Caylee and instead open your eyes and your heart and do something real.

    I know it’s hard, because as soon as you do one thing you become overwhelmed by how much there is to do. The news of the verdict only served to make me feel very small, in the face of all the hurt there is in the world.

    But it’s just the same as the green philosophy. Do what you can. Start small if you must. Tiny steps accumulate to big changes.

    Just do something.

    Then maybe we can talk justice for Caylee Anthony.

  • In Defense of Childhood: A Prescription for Play

    In Defense of Childhood: A Prescription for Play

    climbing trees

    The opposite of play is not work.
    It’s depression.

    Brian Sutton-Smith, The Ambiguity of Play

    It’s on the long side, but you should totally check out this video, created by the Alliance for Childhood and KaBOOM!.

    It features Dr. Ken Ginsburg, local pediatrician at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia & author of Building Resilience in Children and Teens: Giving Kids Roots and Wings, and Dr. Marilyn Benoit, former president of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Chief Clinical Officer at Devereux Behavioral Health.

    The doctors speak to the consequences of less play in children’s lives (in 1997, kids aged 3-12 spent 16% less time playing than kids did in 1981):

    • social isolation
    • narrow concept of success
    • afraid to think outside the box
    • fear of failure
    • stress, anxiety, and depression.

    They also champion the benefits of play and really do a good job explaining how play is crucial for raising children who are resilient, creative, and kind.

    My favorite bit is the discussion surrounding the need to redefine what success means:

    “Success is being happy. Being kind. Being compassionate. Being generous. Being creative. And being innovative.”

    What’s the best way to raise children for this sort of success?

    Good questions. Good stuff. Watch it. Live it. Your kids will thank you.



  • KaBOOM! Park-A-Day Summer Challenge

    KaBOOM! Park-A-Day Summer Challenge


    You are worried about seeing him spend his early years in doing nothing.

    What! Is it nothing to be happy?

    Nothing to skip, play, and run around all day long?
    Never in his life will he be so busy again.

    -Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile


    Kids who engage in physical play are healthier and less likely to be overweight.

    Kids who engage in physical play are smarter and better able to focus, particularly in math.

    Kids who engage in physical play are happier, less stressed, more social, and better able to negotiate.

    Want to help advocate for play?

    KaBOOM! is looking for parents committed to getting their kids outside and playing this summer to participate in the Park-A-Day Summer Challenge.

    As part of the challenge, you will be asked to:

    • Take your children to as many local parks, playgrounds, or other public playspaces this summer as you can. (No, you do not need to visit a park every day. But if it works for your schedule, you can try!)
    • Add and/or review each playspace on the KaBOOM! Map of Play.
    • Swap stories and advice with other Summer Challengers in the Park-A-Day Summer Challenge Discussion Group.

    By participating, not only does your family reap the (plentiful, varied, and important) benefits of outdoor active time, but you help spread the word about the power of play. By adding playgrounds and playspaces to the database, you help other parents find hidden gems in their community or while traveling. And by rating the amenities and condition of each space, you help highlight where attention is needed to keep playspaces safe and fun.

    Today is the first official day of summer vacation for my family, and I can’t wait to GET OUT & PLAY!!

    Join us in signing up for the Park-A-Day Summer Challenge.



    kaboomKaBOOM! is a national non-profit dedicated to saving play for America’s children. Their mission is to create great playspaces through the participation and leadership of communities. Ultimately, they envision a place to play within walking distance of every child in America.

    To date, KaBOOM! has built over 1,900 playgrounds, saving play for over 3.5 million children.
