Category: Photography

  • Taking Wing

    Success consists of going from failure to failure
    without loss of enthusiasm.

    -Winston Churchill

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    I am not having a good week.

    When things like this happen, I am tempted to believe that I must have done something very naughty in a past life, because all I seem to do now is attract bad luck and trouble.

    But, keeping my chin up! Would appreciate any good thoughts you can send my way.

  • Internet, How I Missed You

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    “You’re obstinate, pliant, merry, morose,
    all at once.
    For me there’s no living with you,
    or without you.”


    No power all day yesterday, still out when I went to bed.
    It was great; like an enforced vacation.
    Mother Nature saying “Hey, take a load off. You deserve it.”
    Finished off four books I had started, put some pictures in frames, played Scrabble, drove the cats crazy with lasers, told stories, cleaned.

    Of course, that means that today, I have a lot to catch up on: posts in my reader, email, laundry, dishes. Plus, I need to assess how things in my fridge weathered the storm. And of course, posts for good ol’

    So, fun while it lasted; boy, I really hope it doesn’t happen again.

  • Anticipation

    The suspense is terrible.

    I hope it will last.

    -Oscar Wilde

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    I’m about to be buried in tomatoes.

    How does your garden grow?