Once upon a time, a caterpillar wandered into a spiderweb.
Thrashing wildly, flailing for freedom, it tore the web from its moorings.
The spider who reigned there, alarmed by the wreckage, dashed in to deliver a killing blow before any more damage could be done.
In his haste, he did not notice the danger lurking above.
How quickly the predator becomes the prey…
“Hey! What about me?”
I took pity on the caterpillar and set him free.
I know that it is best to not meddle in the affairs of the wild, that I should allow nature to take its course, but I’d seen enough carnage for one day.
People, it’s a jungle out there.
Most of us walk unseeing through the world,
unaware alike of its beauties,
its wonders,
and the strange and sometimes terrible intensity
of the lives that are being lived about us.-Rachel Carson
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